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Caramel Apple Cheesecake Squares So it's not exactly artwork, but baking and cooking are a form of art for me anyway. I love star...
Watercolor on 140lb Canson Cold Press Paper Welcome to Watercolor Wednesdays! Hope your week is off to a good start. This has been a ve...
Here Kitty Kitty! A New Camcorder and Acrylic Paints
>> Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I went to Good Will again yesterday. I found a mini camcorder for $6.99 and had my birthday coupon for 25% off so it came in under $6! We had to use our own memory card but so far it looks to be working ok. It is this exact model which I looked up online and one place is selling it for $109!!!! Can you believe that??? It has a case, carrying strap, and mini tripod. It even still had the clear film over the viewing lens! I rock!
I also went to Hobby Lobby and got a Royal & Langnickel acrylic paint set with 10 paints, brushes, palette and two mini canvas boards on clearance for $11.99! This is what it looks like. How cool was that!!!???
Now I have to learn how to paint with acrylics. Yay! Read more...
My First Full Sized Watercolor Painting
>> Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday Sketches - Puppy Love
>> Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pencil on Sketch Paper
Inspiration Avenue - Circus
>> Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I wanted to show emotion with my clown so I made him a sad clown. Why is he sad? Because he gets such a bad reputation. Raise your hands, how many of you readers are afraid of clowns? I thought so! lol. I'm not sure why so many people are afraid of clowns. Sure, there was John Wayne Gacy (for those of you that are too young or not from Illinois, click here to find out who he was.) There's also 'It' from Stephen King. But outside of those two, I really don't see what's so scary about them.
What do you think? Clowns: scary or not?
An Award
>> Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Here's my 10 Beautiful Blogger List
My Front Porch
Rose Hill Designs
Blue China Studio
Through the Eyes of an Artist
Here's My Story
The Wright Stuff
Serial Crafter
Muffin Fixation
Ten things about myself...
1. I'm a huge tech geek. I love new technology of all kinds, phones, cameras, computers. If it's new, I want it!
2. I didn't start drawing until about two years ago. I started taking some online graphic design classes and we had to draw thumbnails. I couldn't draw so I bought a book and taught myself, well, I'm still learning.
3. I took three years of sewing in high school. I was entered in a citywide contest for all of the high school's in the Chicago district and won 2nd place for a dress I made.
4. I have taught myself to crochet, knit, quilt and draw by looking at books.
5. I have an Etsy shop but haven't done a lot with it. You can find me here.
6. I'm a huge Big Brother fan! Love that show!
7. I love anything to do with forensics, science, medical. I also love watching shows about prisons and jail. Too interesting!
8. I have 6 Parakeets. Which explains my love of birds and why they are so prevalent in my artwork. We have Gonzo (named after Hunter S Thompson), Bubbles (named after the Trailer Park Boys character), Chili, Tink (Tinkerbelle, my favorite fairy), Sunny and Lizzie.
9. I have three children. Ages 24, 22 and 18.
10. I lived in Texas for 3 years and Colorado for 6 months when my ex-husband was in the military. Read more...
Inspiration Avenue
>> Thursday, June 17, 2010
Creativity Boot Camp - Day 12
Creativity Boot Camp Day - 11
>> Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Creativity Boot Camp - Day 10
>> Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Today's Prompt - 'Full Bodied'. I went with hair as I wish I had full bodied hair instead of baby fine and straight! lol.
Don't forget to check out my post below about Illustration Friday and Ripple. Thanks! XOXOXOXO Read more...
Illustration Friday and Ripple
If you haven't heard of Illustration Friday and Ripple please take a minute to check them out. This week on IF the topic is 'Ripple'. Based on the topic you create a work of art in whatever your chosen medium is and submit it to their gallery. Ripple is a blog where you can find donated artwork to help save the animals affected by the oil spill. Each sketchcard on this blog is $10.00. The $10.00 is a donation to help the animal victims of the Deep Water Horizon Gulf Oil Spill. Every penny is donated. The two Non-Profits that are benefiting are The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies and The International Bird Rescue Research Center. You can purchase a card if you donate directly to one of the non-profits and email the confirmation and your address to ripplesketches@verizon.net. The artist will mail you the signed card.
Creativity Boot Camp - Day 9
>> Monday, June 14, 2010
Creativity Boot Camp - Day 8
>> Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sunday Sketches
I just wanted to make sure everyone knows that this sketch is one of the practice images in Lee Hammond's Big Book of Drawing.
Creativity Boot Camp - Day 7
>> Saturday, June 12, 2010
Favorite Artists
Bob Ross - 1942-1995 Don't laugh, you know you're lovin some 'happy little trees' yourself! Really, I could listen to this man all day long. He's just so laid back and fun to watch and he has a very soothing tone to him. Gotta love the 'fro' too!
Lee Hammond - She has been my inspiration for sketching right from the beginning. Her realistic sketches continue to amaze me on a daily basis. I have two of her books and have learned so much from her. In fact most of my sketches are practice pieces from her book. I owe just about everything I know to her!
John Jude Palancar - If you've seen the 'Eragon' books by Christopher Paolini you've seen his arwork. He's more of a fantasy artist but I love his work.
Claude Monet - 1840-1926 a French Impressionist that I simply adore. Love his 'Water Lily' series!
Raffaello Sanzio (Raphael) - 1483-1520 Italian High Rennaissance. What can I say about the beautiful angels and Madonna's that he produced. I did a study on him for my art history class. We had to choose a famous artist and write a paper along with our analogy of their artwork. Most people went with the normal favorites such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michaelangelo. Let me just say there are not as many books about Raphael and it was not an easy assignment to do. My teacher was impressed as she stated that very few of her students have picked him as an artist. Yay me! lol.
Albrecht Durer - 1471-1528 German Printmaker. If you've never seen his engravings you are really missing out. Imagine having to engrave your artwork into wood or thin metal and having to ink it and lay the paper on it to make a print! How innovative for the time frame!
About Me
I am a 45 year old mother of three now grown children. (sigh)
I am currently unemployed and have enjoyed the time I've recently had to practice my artwork. I am also very lucky to have a wonderful boyfriend that helps support me financially, emotionally and creatively.
I have always been told, "You're so talented." Don't get me wrong it's a wonderful compliment. Without sounding like a snob or conceited I have tried and succeeded at many different crafts including knitting, crocheting, quilting, sewing, floral arrangement, scrapbooking, graphic design, sketching, card making, cross stitching, etc. I have taught myself from books or looking online and pick things up extremely fast (get that from my father supposedly). However, the bad part is, I can't seem to focus on one particular thing. I'm not sure if it's a form of ADD or OCD but I'll get really focused on one medium for a few weeks, then get bored with it and move on something else. Doesn't seem like a bad problem to have except that I would really love to be able to use one as a form of extra income but it's hard to do that when you lose interest after a month or so. lol.
I'm currently into the sketching, water colors, oils and colored pencil sketches and hope that maybe I have found the one medium that I can focus all my attention on and eventually begin to sell. Only time will tell!