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A New Medium

>> Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well my trip to Hobby Lobby paid off.  I got so many neat things yesterday.  One of them being a set of pastels, which produced the above image.  Few things about pastels, I love them!  They are a little messy and it's a little awkward at first but I had a lot of fun playing with them.  I have a book from the library and decided to go for one of the larger images, you know, the whole learning to walk before I can crawl.  I realize now that I should have done the little exercises first but I still enjoyed working on this.  I also realized that I need larger paper for an image like this. It was hard getting the detail in a small space.  But that brings me to one of my other finds, pastel papers in an assortment of colors.  I also got a set of Watercolors in the tubes, a super neat spiral bound watercolor field journal, a book on watercolors, some watercolor card papers and envelopes and a tiny little sketch book.  Everything was either on sale or on clearance and the one item that wasn't, the pastels, I used their 40% off coupon for.

Now, if I could just get up the guts to actually use the watercolors we'd be all good!

4 Wonderfully Stated Opinions!:

Jamie March 16, 2011 at 9:48 AM  

Isn't hobby lobby the best?

Crafting Queen March 16, 2011 at 10:48 AM  

Really lovely, great colours. Take care.

Lesley March 16, 2011 at 2:24 PM  

I really love the colours you've used here!

maddyrose March 16, 2011 at 5:37 PM  

Hi Deanna, I thought since you visited me I'd return the favor and I'm really glad I came over to take a look. What a gutsy lady, working with pastels. I've never been any good with them but after seeing your lovely work I just might try them again. I take it hobby lobby is a craft store. I don't think there are any in my area. Too bad.

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