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Watercolor Wednesdays - Flowers

>> Wednesday, April 24, 2013

5x7 Watercolor on Canson 140lb cold press paper
Welcome to Watercolor Wednesdays!  This week I haven't had much time to paint as I started a new job (as a cake decorator at Walmart).  I was originally only scheduled a few hours a day for this week but they changed it so I was only to do a small painting for now.  I wanted to just play with the watercolors and not think about correct technique or any kind of detail and this simple flower came to mind.  I did some wet on wet and some wet on dry washes and think it turned out not so bad.  I would extend the muted background out past the foliage if I were to do it again, but other than that, I'm happy with this little painting.

If you would like to share your watercolors for the week, sign up with Mr. Linky below.  Please be sure to enter the url for your post as opposed to your blog homepage to make it easier for any latecomers to find your post.

Paint Party Friday - Tranquility

>> Friday, April 19, 2013

After the crazy storms and major flooding we had yesterday I wanted to paint something tranquil. A place I would very much like to be right now. And this is what I came up with, a nice little beach with an inviting view of the sea and a beckoning lighthouse. A girl can dream right?
Linking up to PPF
I will be working all day today and tomorrow (I got the job at Walmart as the new cake decorator!) and my internet is down due to the storms so it may take me a while to comment on all the wonderful artwork. I would also like to thank everyone for the tremendous response and wonderful comments you left last Friday for Drawing Drew. I can not express how much it means to me.

Inspiration Avenue - Blossom

>> Thursday, April 18, 2013

I've been on a flower kick lately, possibly due to all of the rain we've been getting lately. Hoping it brings lots of pretty flowers next month.  I did this painting this evening and saw that the theme for Inspiration Avenue this week was blossom so I thought it was fitting to link up with them. Take a moment to stop by and check out all of the pretty blossoms by other wonderful artists.

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All artwork contained in this blog are original works by Deanna Millard unless otherwise stated.

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