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PPF - Playing With Acrylics

>> Friday, November 30, 2012

My second attempt at acrylics
Wow!  It has been a veeerrry long time since I've been on my blog.  It's amazing how time can go by so quickly.  I was in the mood to paint tonight and decided to link up to the Paint Party Friday blog.  Am I the only one that freezes up when you stand in front of a blank canvas???  This painting was not inspired by anything in nature, just my imagination.  I have a lot more practice to do but I don't think it turned out too bad.  Sorry for the bad pic, my very nice digital camera is having a battery issue and won't hold a charge so I'm stuck with my camera phone and the lighting was not the best at night.  The painting is much darker in person, I was trying to shoot for a deep in the woods look.
Started with this underpainting which I absolutely loved
I think oils are much easier to work with but it is nice that acrylics dry so quickly.
I did this backwards, should have added in the grassy area before putting the trees in
I'm not sure that I love it yet but I think it's not a bad painting and my daughter loves it so it just may find it's way to her house.  To view more paint party Friday submissions, head over here.  Happy Friday!

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All artwork contained in this blog are original works by Deanna Millard unless otherwise stated.

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