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PPF - My First Oil Painting

>> Friday, May 20, 2011

Yay, I can finally participate in PPF again!  Although I have cheated a little.  Due to the packing, moving, unpacking and two weeks of my mother being here I have had no time for artwork.  So, I decided to use the very first (and only so far) oil painting I did ala Bob Ross.  I love watching Bob, he's so soothing and makes everything look so easy.  I know there are multiple problems with this one but I don't think it turned out half bad for my first try.  I am dying to do more oil paintings but need to save up some money for supplies first.  Hope you are having a wonderful day.  It is absolutely beautiful here today, not a bad way to start off the weekend!

To see more great artists and what they've been up to, hop on over to the Paint Party Friday blog.

Sunday Sketches - Daisy

>> Sunday, May 08, 2011

I'm back!!! It has been a very long few weeks but we are finally moved in and believe it or not, everything is unpacked!  We found some very good families for the dogs.  We couldn't keep them together but they did get taken in by two wonderful families and both have kept in touch to let us know how they're doing. 

We moved in a week ago Friday and I have been busy unpacking as my mother flew in from Arizona on Thursday and will be here until the 19th.  This is the first day I've had a little free time to do some artwork so I decided to go with something quick and easy and did another addition to my flower series.  I went with a simple daisy and think it turned out pretty good seeing as I worked all day and get distracted by my mother every now and then.

Hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day and I hope to be back more often although it won't be easy until my mother leaves.  Not as much free time.  Hop on over to Blue Chair Diary to see more Sunday Sketches.

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All artwork contained in this blog are original works by Deanna Millard unless otherwise stated.

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