Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sunday Sketches

This has been an incredibly busy week.  I have not had time for any artwork until yesterday afternoon.  This was the first week of being on days which is always rough in the beginning.  By the time you get used to getting up early, you go back to afternoons.  We've also been searching for a new apartment.  It's one of those situations where we really can't afford to stay where we are but really can't afford to move right now either.  I've been feeling pretty much like the girl in my sketch.  It seems as though it is getting harder rather than easier as more time goes by since Jeff's passing.  I think once the stress of knowing where we will end up living is over, things will get better.  Thank you to all of my blogging friends for all of your kind words.  I'm usually a very easy going person and I hate dumping all of this on my unsuspecting readers but sometimes it helps to get things out.

For more wonderful Sunday Sketches hop over to Blue Chair Diary hosted by the lovely Sophia.


  1. She looks so sad. I wish I could reach through the drawing and give her a hug, and one for you, too. You have to give yourself time. No one could expect you to be your usual self when trying to cope with such a loss.

  2. Feel free to reach out. My heart goes out to you. Hope all goes well with the move. Look on all the opportunity it will bring and new doors (both real and metaphorical) it will open.

  3. Oh this drawing is sad. I am so sorry for your pain - it's hard to see you struggling. Please know that I am thinking of you, and it's ok to write about your struggles helps to get your feelings out! I am thinking of you my friend. take care. xoxo

  4. A sad but still lovely drawing. I know what you mean about the moving, been there. stay strong, think positive.

  5. (((((hugs))))), The painting is lovely even though it is sad, art does not always have to be happy as it is a way to express our emotions. It is good to get it out in your words and your art, it helps. So sorry to see you struggling

  6. love your art this morning. Glad you were able to do it. Hope better days are ahead, sooner rather than later. Blogs are therapy, a healthy outlet I think.

  7. She may be sad but she has that vulnerable beauty. Baby steps. Your art will help you express your greif! We will hold you close to our hearts.

  8. Big hugs Deanna. A fabulous rendition of your emotions.

    You'll get thru this! You'll find a perfect spot and days will get easier but you'll never forget him.

  9. when I saw your art, i said 'ah' out loud, I could feel the sadness. wishing you a life that feels good to you.

  10. Sometimes sharing through blogging really helps. I hope you find somewhere you can afford soon.

    Your sketch is full of emotion and that can be so hard to achieve.

  11. I think you need a hug! I will send encouraging thoughts your way right now!

    She does look very forlorn, I hope things look up for you soon! and don't apologize for sharing how you are feeling - that is what lets us get to know you better!

    smiles and hugs

  12. My heart really goes out to you, Deanna. Hang in there - stay strong. I can relate to the girl in your sketch, too. Please email me at if you need ANYTHING! MUCH much love and hugs.

  13. Your art is very expressive and good to release your feelings.
    Hugs to you.

  14. Oh what a sad picture but very pretty. I do like the colour of the shadow. I am glad you know where you will be moving to -
    sending you a hug

  15. So sorry for you loss and for the difficult time you are right now. The painting is amazing, I could feel the "sadness" before even knowing you were in such a pain. Art can give us the opportunity to express our feelings! Keep up the faith! Hugs!

  16. she looks like a mermaid. somehow I didn't find it particularly sad until I read the text.

    thanks for your visit.

  17. aww..your artworks are amazing. i wish things get better soon.


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