Friday, April 08, 2011

Paint Party Friday - The River

"The River"
I missed PPF last week so this week I made sure I took some time out to paint!  I didn't want anything structured where I had to sketch first so I watched a few videos on Youtube and just started slapping paint on. lol  I think it turned out pretty good.  I've been on days for the past two weeks and for some reason it seems like I don't have as much time to play.  But I go to afternoons for the next two weeks so I should have more time to practice painting.  We're still searching for a new apartment also.  We're going to look at a two bedroom condo on Sunday.  I'm super excited about this one so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not a total dump and that it works out.  :)  I'm off to work soon but will be back later to look at all the pretty paintings!

To see all of the Paint Party Friday submissions click here.


  1. nice painting...I like the reflections.

  2. Nice painting! I like how the more opaque tress and river bank compliment the transparent sky and river. The color palette works very well together. Lovely! ;)

  3. Lovely painting, lovely colours in the water. Good luck with your house hunting. :)

  4. You sound very busy. I love the background colors of this work. Happy PPF!

  5. Yes¡ when one is busy relaxes much free to paint landscapes, where you do not have to think too much but just let go of the brushes. Greetings.

  6. A very tranquil painting. I especially love the beautiful colors in the sky and the reflections in the water. Wonderful work! :)

  7. This is beautiful- I love the colors you chose for the sky and the way you painted in the reflections- gorgeous!
    Happy PPF!

  8. Another beautiful job, love your work Deanna. Good luck with the condo.

  9. Love the refelection. Great lay of the land. Good colors. Thanks.Have a great weekend.

  10. Love this! It is so peaceful! Wonderful job! :-)

  11. Another peaceful piece. I love listing to your blog music while I look at your art. It's so relaxing!

  12. Good luck with the condo!

    This turned out beautifully - a great sense of calm on a lazy river.

  13. Loving the freeness of this painting and the beautiful reflections. Have a lovely weekend, Annette x

  14. There is such a relaxed feeling to this (that I love)! I really like the way you handled the water.


    p.s Good luck with the condo!

  15. I tried a landscape this week too, but mine did not turn out as nice as yours and I trashed it, LOL. I'm not good at landscapes. Good luck with the condo. I know you could really use some good luck right now.

  16. The reflections definitely are amazing, great painting. Happy PPF : )

  17. You did a beautiful job on this, the river is so calming and I love the sky.

  18. your underpainting is lovely!!!
    Do not dump!!!!!!!!!!

  19. LOVE the sky and water - fantastic! Thanks for your comment on my doggy painting, now that I see little Peanut on your side bar I can totally see the Mastiff in her :)

  20. Very pretty, great colors and shadows.

  21. Pretty river scene. It reminds me of a spot we used to go to on the Russian River. Happy PPF! Theresa

  22. What a lovely painting. I've learned so much about painting from watching you tube videos, too! Hope the condo works out!

  23. oh this is beautiful Deanna!!!! wonderful work and I just love this new place called paint party fridays!!!

    I also hope you pop by every Saturday on my blog for "Sweet Saturdays"

  24. Beautiful landscape! I love the soft reflection in the water, and the transition of the trees in the distance. Very inviting scene!

  25. This is a lovely landscape, i love the softness of the sky and reflections on the water. Good luck with your apartment search!

  26. Lovely painting - dreamy and beautiful. I could imagine living in a cabin with this as my view. You've transported me to a wonderful daydream.

    Good luck with the condo - hope its everything you dream of.

    Kat :-)

  27. Great work, love the colours of the sky. Good luck with your condo! And thanks for visiting my blog. Hugs from Germany, Valerie

  28. Such Beautiful calming and very relaxing..wonderful work!!

  29. Ohhhh your sky is breathtaking, well done.
    Best of luck on the condo hunting
    hugs Lynn

  30. Could this be the place you yearn for in a new home?This turned out lovely and so very serene in feeling, Hope you find the perfect home. Beautiful work!

    Annabelle ~^..^~

  31. Very beautiful painting. It's so calm and peaceful, I can imagine some birds singing their evening song.

  32. I love that you did this without a sketch, it is wonderfully peaceful and lovely to look at.


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