Thursday, June 17, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp - Day 12

Pencil on Sketch Paper

You may be wondering why this sketch was named smooth.  Well, here's the  My boyfriend loved the sketch I did of the little girl so much he wanted me to sketch his parents for his dad for father's day.  Of course he had a really bad photo where there heads were about the size of a pea.  Needless to say that due to the size I was unable to use the grid method.  His mom's face came out fine, but her body looked way too small, then his dad's face was just too cartoonish.  After protesting how much I hated it, we then decided to do his daughter, Madison.  We had a much better photo and everything went very smoothly.  Get it, smooth!


  1. LOL. I love the interpretation and love the piccie. Men eh? :P Still catching up - think I will be lucky if I'm a week late on CBC ;)

  2. This is wonderful. She should be proud to have a sketch of herself like this, and I am sure her grandparents love it.


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