Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp Day - 11

Pencil on Sketch Paper

'Hush' Close Up

Ok, I'm at work last night and I decide I want to try my first real pencil sketch portrait.  Yes, I get to do these kinds of things at work.  :)  Anyway, I decide to go for it and do one of the practice sketches from Lee Hammond's Big Book of Drawing.  Now, it didn't turn out exactly like hers.  The girl actually looks much younger in the inspiration piece, but I really love how she turned out.  Then, I click on CBC and our prompt word is 'Hush'.  Maybe I just wanted her to fit but I really feel that she fits!  In fact, I think she's perfect.  Maybe not technically, I'm still learning don't forget and she is my first portrait sketch.  Up till now it's been eyeballs, noses and mouths but nothing put together.

More good news.  I went to Goodwill today and found 5 yes 5 art books.  Four on sketching and one on Art Techniques.  I know, right????  I would have had to pay over $100 easily if I bought them brand new!  What a deal!

Even more good news!  My ACEO's were added to the Ripple blog today!  Yay me for sure!  You can find that post here and my post about the inspiration behind them here.  I don't think the day could have gotten any better.  Hopefully today will be equally as good and I'll have a good weigh in.  ;)


  1. Wow, Deanna, this is beautiful. Love it so much!!

  2. Deanna, you are so talented, all your artwork is really beautiful.
    I'm still waiting for inspiration to hit me for todays theme- maybe coffee will help!

  3. This is wonderful, I cant believe its your first portrait, its so professional.

  4. beautifully done and what a fabulous find at Goodlwill - enjoy them

  5. I think the sketch is awesome, I just started following your blog and I find it so interesting...
    Great Goodwill find, gotta love that :)

  6. Just beautiful and you are right - totally perfect for hush.

    Good find on the books, those are the bargains you are doing little squeals of happiness in the shop for aren't they :P

  7. Pencil sketches and portraits always jump out at me...this is really wonderful.

  8. Beautiful sketch and so perfect for the prompt. Are you sure you're not given a heads up early? LOL

    Huge congrats on being featured on Ripple and wow to the books too. I can never find bargains like that

  9. Deanna,
    She's simply beautiful. WOW! I definitely see her fitting the topic of "Hush"
    Great job!
    thanks for your visit!

  10. Your first one... Really? What a beautiful drawing! Her expression captures "hush"!

  11. Thank you for all the wonderful comments. No Sarah, I don't get a heads up. lol. I just don't sleep. :)

  12. Great job on your first portrait!.they are alot harder than people think they are. I think emotions show in portraits-great!

  13. Well done. I'm impressed, this is not easy to do.

  14. Gorgeous sketch - she is beautiful.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Your poor boyfriend must go through hell with his condition - my husband had acute pancreatitis (with all the complications that go with it - system failure, psuedo cysts etc) but lucky for him that it was a one off and not something to constantly live with. I can sympathise with life for the two of you - I know how difficult it can be.

  15. so beautiful. you are very talented

  16. you nailed the eyes. they are piercing.

  17. The sketch is wonderful... and your first?? Wow. Isn't it great when you score big at Goodwill? I'm enamored with that place.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, posts and artwork!