Friday, April 12, 2013

Paint Party Friday - Drawing Drew

Pencil Drawing
Does a pencil sketch count for PPF? Hmm. I was hoping to get some painting done this week but I have not been home for days so I used what I had with me and decided to try a portrait.  Rather than do a family member I wanted to do a celebrity as they are typically more recognizable.  I would love to do some pencil drawings of my bf's nieces and nephews for his mom for Christmas but definitely need some practice to further my skills.  Why Drew Barrymore?  No particular reason other than I think she is adorable and it was a great reference photo to work from.  Thoughts? Tips?  Not sure what happened with the bottom right portion of the pic, I had to use my camera phone again and something went awry with the editing of the photo but for the most part you can see the contrast and all that good stuff.

Side by Side comparison with the reference photo.
As I was searching for images and looking for some videos on portrait drawing techniques, I happened to come across a post about it not being legal to sell portrait drawings of celebrities. Not that I have any intentions of doing this, it just peaked my curiosity because I see many artists selling pencil drawings of celebrities on Etsy, Ebay, etc.  Anyone out there ever come across this issue before?

In other news, I had two interviews with Walmart for their bakery department yesterday.  As a cake decorator.  I worked in a grocery store bakery a few years ago and loved it.  I have a third interview with the store manager today.  Keeping my fingers crossed that things are finally starting to look up!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend.  We've been having nothing but rain and cooler weather the past few days.  I think I have forgotten what the sun looks like.  BTW, this sketch took me about 10 hours to complete.  I'm definitely not the fastest sketch artist that ever lived. :)

Linking up with Paint Party Friday.  Stop by to see the many wonderfully creative artists, you won't be disappointed!


  1. you have done an amazing job on the hair especially... it looks fantastic...xx

  2. Forgot to wish you good luck for the interview... will have fingers and toes crossed for you...xx

  3. Beautiful the hair..and eyes... Really terrific work... I have no idea about the copyrights on stars...

    Hope you get the job, no better place for an artist like you to make money while expending your creative energy!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. I think you did really well! I have to confess that sometimes I trace when I am lazy. My sister Peggy says that's one way to learn because the muscles of your hand will remember. At least one famous artist traced- Grandma Moses!! :^) patasy

  5. Loving your wonderful portrait. I remember reading also about selling portraits of celebrities without their permission, apparently there is a heavy fine. Wishing you lots of luck with the job. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Wonderful portrait, just awesome! Love the eyes and her expression! Good luck with the job! <3

  7. What a beautiful piece. I too really like the hair, you've done an amazing job in capturing Drew's likeness. And she is lovely. :-)

  8. She is very lovely, a great sketch, well done!

  9. Beautiful work. Love her expression. Thank you. Happy PPF!

  10. Holy smokes!!!! what an amazing piece....well done!!!

  11. Love your Drew portrait. It truly is awesome. I didn't know that one couldn't sell drawings of celebrities. I guess that's because the artist would be using a photograph which carries along a trademark. I sometimes copy photos from magazines of landscapes and add or subtract to make it my own. However, I don't sell paintings. They just accumulate and someday will be at Goodwill or a flea market, I'm sure.

  12. Wow! this is great! You did a wonderful job with your portrait of Drew. I love her too. It does seem to be harder to draw/paint your family members because you know them so well, you can just feel it when things are off somewhere. Thank you for your comment on my crocus. i live in your area of the country I see, Lake Zurich, IL.

  13. Your painting is wonderful, it is a very good and fine work.
    Hope, your interview is going a good way and your wishes came true.
    Happy PPF and hugs

  14. so well done!! i knew it was her before you even showed the photo. 'painting' with graphite totally counts!

  15. that's a pencil drawing? Just wow!

  16. This is a beautiful sketch. Happy PPF :)

  17. this is fantastic! no wonder it took you 10 hours - it's beautiful. I had read that about selling celebrity artwork because the copyright belongs to whoever took the photo. I've painted celebrities before as practice for when I was doing ink stippling/pointillism but I wouldn't sell them for that reason even though, like you say, I see so many artists selling celebrity artwork online - not sure how they get away with it as unless the celebrity sat for them then they've obviously drawn it from a photo!
    good luck with the job interview - a 3rd one definitely sounds promising. cake decorating sounds like a wonderfully creative job as well!

  18. Amazing sketch. Not surprised it took along time, getting it to where you want it to be is work? Good luck on getting your job. xox

  19. The sketch is fantastic, very well done! Good luck with Walmart! Valerie

  20. Good luck with the interview! I think cake decorating would be really fun - although, I think I would be on a constant sugar high the entire time with all that bakery goodness at my finger tips :) Beautiful drawing!

  21. Great sketch. Well done. Thank you very much for sharing.

  22. that's a terrific sketch. Well done! Happy PPF!

  23. and good luck on your interview!

  24. wow your sketch is amazing! (I love your poppies too!)

  25. Very, very well done! Wow. I have no idea about the copyright issues... it is all very confusing to me. Good luck with the bakery opportunity! I bet you do a fab job on decorating cakes.

  26. Your sketch is wonderful. She is a beautiful woman and you definitely did her justice.

    Hope the interview went well. I am sure your cakes are amazing.

  27. You have definitely catch a likeness, Deanna.
    Good luck with the interview.

  28. fabulous portrait! and I agree Drew Barrymore is totally adorable. Good luck with the job search!!

  29. Best of luck getting the job! The drawing looks good but the proportions are only slightly off, and the shadows on her face needs to be a little more. Espec. around the eyes. But other than that great work! Her hair is awesome! :)

    I think that celebrity art might fall under fanart?? not sure. It seems that it would be legal to do. Not sure, I am sure though, that many people say many different things. Best to talk to a legal being for that! haha

  30. she is gorgeous deanna. and never mind how long you did it as long as you enjoy it.

  31. oh and keep us updated on your interview! take care!

  32. are fantastic..this piece is sublime..such wonderful volume and shading in her face..and there is a lovely spark in her eye!I am captivated by the hair..terrific job!Stunning!

  33. Exquisite illustration ~ lots of talent here ~ ^_^

    Wishing you the best in your 3rd interview ~ sounds like a win ~ ^_^

  34. Hi Deanna, your portrait looks amazing, really!

    Please don't you ever forget how the sun looks like! Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy week end, Alex

  35. Deanna, this is MUCH more than a sketch!! What a beautiful drawing. You did a fantastic job with the hair. Good luck with the job... xox

  36. AAAuuuu yeahhhh it counts. This is amazing art. Very beautiful.

  37. Beautiful drawing!
    Thanks for coming by my blog for PPF! I appreciate your visit!
    I just joined your blog to keep up with your awesome creativity!

  38. Gorgeous drawing...I think you've captured Drew very well! Good luck with the'll be able to use your drawing skills in cake decorating! happy PPF!

  39. Your sketch is excellent - I wish I could draw like you, it's fabulous. About the legal issue - I think many sellers on Etsy etc. are not familiar with those laws including copyright laws.
    Good luck with your interview, I hope it all works out for you!

  40. I actually had an issue with drawing a cat for a book...I had to copy one from an image online and that didn't work because of copyright stuff. Good luck on your interview and I LOVE your sketch. Thanks for sharing! Happy PPF :)

  41. Amazing sketch - so realistic and I love how I can really see the contours in her face. (How much fun would it be to hang with Drew for a day??) Happy PPF! And good luck with your interviews!!

  42. Great work and a very fine pencil painting. It's always scary to do a family member, but you're really good and I bet you'll start doing more portraits within your circle soon. What a portrait captures should be very different than a camera does -- you're doing it! Good luck in all your endeavors.

  43. What a lovely drawing! Very well done.


  44. Just beautiful, you really captured her genuine beauty!

  45. Thank you for your visit and comment on my blog! I will add your button for the watercolor wednesdays! :D Sounds lovely! :D

  46. She's gorgeous--wow!! I'm sure there's some legalities regarding selling celebrity portraits--it's all licensing....Heaven forbid someone should make a buck they don't profit from! Beautiful drawing though!

  47. I think she was instantly recognisable - I think you did a fabulous job! Good luck with your interviews
    (p.s. thank you for leaving such lovely comments on my PPF painting! I greatly appreciate it!)

  48. wow! That is a breathtaking drawing! Love it!

  49. excellent beautiful drawing..thanks for your lovely comment on my blackbird

  50. yes, i do think that a sketch counts for ppf. yours is truly a work of art. such fine detailing. thank you for visiting my blog. please stop by again she you have time.

  51. You have amazing talent. Beautiful drawing. Much luck with the job-hope it is everything you hope for!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, posts and artwork!