Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We Are Moving!!

It's funny how things work out sometimes.  I called on an ad on Craig's List Sunday evening, went to see the apartment yesterday morning and found one that we really like, is affordable and in the same area where we live now.  We are officially moving on the 29th but will have access before that so I can start moving some of our smaller items over before hand.

There is a bit of sad news though, we are unable to bring our dogs.  Every apartment we looked at had a no pet policy.  Our apartment complex is one of the only ones in our area that allows dogs.  Unfortunately due to the high rent and some events that have occurred over the past year, we need to move.  So I am in the process of trying to find Peanut and Lucy a good home where they can go together.  They are too attached to one another to separate them.  

It's a huge relief to have found a place but now I have the stress of losing my dogs.  There's always some bad with the good I guess.


  1. That's good news about the house...oh no about the dogs!!!!!
    good luck in finding them a home...keep me posted on them!

  2. Sorry you have to give up your dogs, but good that you have found a new place to live! Hope you find a good home for Lucy and Peanut! Valerie

  3. Oh how terribly sad that you have to let your family pet members go. Oh my goodness. Glad you found a place you could afford. Oh geez, my heart just skipped a beat thinking of these little mutts having to start a new journey. As you can see, I am a pet lover. Well, enjoy your new place. Try not to be too stressed out.

  4. glad you are moving...but...how sad about the dogs.

  5. Oh what bittersweet news. I can't imagine having to give my two dogs up - you must be gutted. It seems so wrong that more rented accommodation can't be pet friendly. I really hope you find a good home for both of them to stay together.

  6. It is great that you found a place you love...too bad about your pets. Maybe you can find someone to take them where you can visit them regularly. :-)

  7. aww..i hope Peanut and Lucy find the best place (second best including you)!

  8. Sooooooooo sorry to hear about losing your dogs. My heart goes out to you.


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