Friday, March 11, 2011


So happy it's Friday!  I don't have a normal weekend like most people but I do get Saturdays off so I'm super excited that it's finally Friday!  I drew this little guy last night.  I took my time with this one and I'm really happy with the results.  I normally get so worked up with a new design that I work straight through from start to finish and I think by the end sometimes I'm not focused enough to try to get all of the details right.  This time I did my graphing before I left for work.  I sketched in the main areas at work and waited until I got home to do the actual shading and everything.  I'm planning to frame and hang some of my favorite pieces in my bedroom/studio soon.  Still planning to take some photos once I'm finished.

Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Deanna this is beautiful, love the shading. Have a great weekend. :)

  2. very very nice! I love butterflies. have a great weekend

  3. This is beautiful Deanna. So much detail. I know what you mean - I get impatient too... one of the main things I have to conquer. I'm finding having a couple of projects on the go at once is helping. Where before i would focus on one and then mess it up usually now I have 2 or 3 on the go and will hop between. Definitely helping.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, posts and artwork!