Friday, March 25, 2011

Paint Party Friday - Sailor's Delight

"Sailor's Delight"
Here's my week two Paint Party Friday Submission.  I'm actually quite happy with this one.  The colors are a little off from the original painting, the purple is more of a lavender color in real life.  I realize that my boat is a little skewed and the line for the sail is bowed out instead of a straight angle but overall I like this one a whole lot more than my first one.

I got the idea from Paint Works Magazine August 2010 edition.  If you've never seen this magazine and you love painting, I highly recommend checking it out.  They have ideas for acrylic, oil and watercolors in every issue.  I own several issues but this is the first time I've actually taken the plunge and have tried one.  I have the newest edition that has a beautiful watercolor tulip design that I'm really wanting to try but want to wait until I have more practice first.

If you would like to see more PPF submissions hop over to the Paint Part Friday blog here.  Happy Friday!


  1. Hi Deanna, I love your painting, the colors, ripples int he water.... How serendipitous I had just been telling my 8yr old this saying, red sky in the morning sailors warning, red sky at night sailors delight!

  2. oh
    I love the music
    I love your blog header
    I really love the sail boat
    I could just hug Peanut and Lucy.
    Your blog is a happy place and I will return after saying hello to all my paint party friends.
    I will be adding my post later today ....

    oooohh oooohhh ooooooh oooo
    ooo ooo ooo oooo
    some where over the rainbow

  3. The vibrant color gives such loving energy to the artwork. It's only because you mentioned that I realize the "skewed" sight. Don't think it matters at all.

    Thank you for sharing. ;)

  4. Beautiful colours, really great job!!

  5. I love bright, colorful pieces! I think the boat lines are great but I can appreciate wanting to get it just right (I just posted a canoe piece on my blog and was a bit disgruntled with the shape too). Great work!

  6. Another gorgeous piece just full of warmth and making me want to head for sunnier climes! Ps. I love your dogs!

  7. This is gorgeous! I love how you portrayed the splendor of the moment, with everything bathed in color. I've had moments just like that and your painting has brought them vividly to mind.

  8. Deanna,
    oh, this is just beautiful. I love the colors and the softness and the magical feeling the colors evoke. You know, we say this often in my house, (my daughter's name is saylor) - so i love it!
    You also did a great job on the beach with the texture! have a great friday.
    ps - also fun to peek at your cute dogs!!!!

  9. Love it because your colors sing! I've learned that paintings do not have to be perfect, don't have to be like a photo, don't have to be like what you are looking at even. It is art, and this is surely art. Great job! Happy PPF!

  10. Glorious sky, and I love the way you did the sand. Beautiful painting.

  11. Love the colors, they are most likely much better than the actual colors. They invoke emotion. I also adore you puppy on the sidebar! So cute. :-)

  12. I LOVE this painting, it brings to mind that movie "What Dreams May Come" with all the amazing color! I wouldn't change a thing- at that angle, the boat looks like it's in the process of sailing away.......BeAUtIfUL!!!

  13. This is just perfect - you are too critical. I can hear the water lapping against the shore and feel the warmth left by the sun at the end of a hot day spent sailing!

  14. I agree with everyone that the colors are beautiful. I think each of us is more critical of out own work than we need be. This is a lovely piece.

  15. What a great piece for the party! You did a beautiful job! I love sunsets on water.

    Red sky at night, sailor's delight! And this is indeed delightful! Plus I love how you did the sand! Wow!

  16. gorgeous peaceful work that I love, Deanna. Including your blog header. Get started on that tulip design, I'd love to see it.

  17. This is so beautiful. The colors are stunning. It reminds me of my summers at the lake. Looking at this, you can almost hear the water gently lapping against the boat...

  18. Beautiful choice of colors. How wonderful to be sitting in that sailboat looking at the beautiful colorful sea and sky. Great job.

  19. Oh Deanna, it's absolutely perfect! I do not see the things you are pointing out...I would be proud to hang this in my home! Thanks for sharing it and for stopping by my blog. :-)

  20. How pretty! And you've chosen the PERFECT soundtrack!

    Happy Paint Party Friday!


  21. Awesome job on the boats reflection. And as far as it being skewed. . . lol I didn't notice it. I like that you can really see the "artist's hand" in it.

  22. Hi Deanna...soo beautiful..wonderfully vibrant but so gentle too.....and i can almost see a large face in the whole painting! Wonderful

  23. You have a beautiful gift in painting with watercolor. Your landscape is the colors and I think you did a fine job on that boat! Happy PPF!!

  24. You have a very personal way to use colors and the reflection of water will have been great. Saludos desde España

  25. wow, your colours are sublime :) Such a dreamy feel I get when looking at your painting....could just get in that boat and sail away :)

  26. The colors and your wonderful use of watercolors have combined to create a truly magical painting!


  27. such beautiful light in your lovely piece.

  28. Oh your watercolors are so vibrant! I just love how peaceful this looks. I am going with the red sky at night, sailor's delight. Beautiful work!

  29. I love the sky reflected in the water, Super job! I love the colors and the simple boat.

  30. This painting makes me smile. It's so peaceful and your music by Iz is so fitting.

  31. Deanna: Love your blog ... I LOVE IZ ... it will be hard for me to leave here! Watercolors are so tough and you do a great job with them! Love Peanut too - Lucy's baby sister. We have Bella, a Westie, she's just about a year old and we were thinking about finding a baby sister for her too. Thx for the visit. I'm a follower! glad our paths crossed at PPF! Take care ...

  32. I love this painting. It makes me want to go sailing. Colors are just lovely!

  33. I really love the soft hand you use when painting, Deanna....very pleasing. Great colors! Red sunsets are my very favorite, and that is also one of my favorite sayings =)
    Nice work, Kathryn

  34. This is a beautiful painting Deanna.
    The mood is set off nicely with the over the Rainbow song.

  35. You've done a lovely depiction of the sail boat and the colours are vibrant and so warm to look at .I may try a boat next ......much later.

    Beautifully done.

    Annabelle >^..^<

  36. This is the perfect subject for watercolours and you have done a great job. Really like the way you have used a soft effect on the clouds, a more watery effect on the sea and the splattered technique for the sand. Such beautiful colours too. x

  37. That sailboat painting is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  38. i think this one is the best!
    the colors are amazing and especially the transition is great. makes me wanna go on holidays ;)


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