Friday, March 18, 2011

Paint Party Friday - No A Five Year Old Did Not Paint This

Ugh, not loving this first watercolor attempt. Was almost too embarrassed to post it. Well, technically it's my second one but I have been getting books from the library to try to learn some techniques.  I just jumped right in the with very first one so I don't really count that one.  =p  My pink practice palm trees came out so much better than the ones in this painting.  I was also having problems with the reflection and the sky itself.  My buildings are all leaning to the right.  But I know everything takes practice.  If you could see the first few drawings I did a few years ago you would never believe it was the same person that drew them.  Practice makes perfect and with the help of PPF and more books coming from the library, I should be a pro in no time!

Visit all of the Paint Party Friday bloggers here.  Hope you all have a great weekend and I promise some interesting sketches coming up for Inspiration Avenue and Sunday Sketches!


  1. I love it Deanna. You did a great job. The colors are soft. I want to be there. Enjoy blog hopping visiting the other participants and thx for stopping by my blog.

  2. I think it is great - certainly not a 5 yr old - you are much to tough on yourself...watercolor is an adventure!!! Keep going!
    cheers, dana

  3. You know, that may be the defining point of being an artist- being too HARD on yourself! Watercolors are tough and extremely unforgiving- and *I* personally like this very much! Some of my favorite paintings have crooked buildings ( I think they are much more interesting that way :)) and the reflection is just right; very soft and inviting. I would love to be there right now exploring those buildings!

  4. Don't be embarrassed at all! I really like the watery quality of this... it's going to be so much fun to watch you try out different techniques! (Your exercises in the post below are great!)

    Thank you so much for partying with us!


  5. I think it looks great! Love watercolor, but I think it's a difficult media :)

  6. Watercolours look easy but they aren't, imho!

    I've been using them in my sketchbook and still can't get that gradient look you've managed. It is lovely! Great start!!

  7. Nothing wrong here! It is a great start to working in watercolor. Don't be hard on yourself. :-)

  8. Hi Deanne

    Gorgeous and peaceful...I feel lighter and full of harmony just gazing at it..wonderfully inspiring. Watercolors always give such a magical effect to work..yours is gorgeous! Shine on!

  9. This is really a lovely watercolor. They are very unforgiving but there is a way to "lift" mistakes if you think you have too, I see no mistakes in this at all. The beauty of watercolors is the freedom they allow for things to take on the shapes and qualities they want.

  10. Hi I just found you through Gloria's blog. The water color is great. If we don't "just jump in" we would never move forward.

  11. Dane Watercolor is very difficult, I took you half painting and complicated, it's just a matter of practice. Good weekend

  12. Deanna, you are too hard on yourself. you did a great job with have a nice flowing loose style here that really works. i want to see how you finish it, too! And i am glad you posted it! your sky is amazing! have a great friday

  13. Hi Deanna, I think there's nothing wrong with your watercolor. I love it and would hang it in my home in an instant! Thanks for stopping by to visit me. It's great to get to know you. :-)

  14. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. Jeff used to always tell me that I was my own worst critic. Watercolors are much harder to work with than I had anticipated but I am determined to keep working with them.

    I have a few more books coming in from the library, some of which are just on technique alone so I'm hoping with more practice I'll get better. :)

  15. Hi Deanna. I think you're being too hard on yourself. It's beautiful! I have been afraid to try watercolor for so long. I've got some new paint sitting here glaring at me... I know they are difficult. Your painting is so soft and dreamy. I would be very happy with this one! Great job!!

  16. You're braver than I for even TOUCHING water colors! I love it! Can't wait to see what you do next time...


  17. I think this piece is beautiful and the colors are warm and inviting emitting a serene feel.You are a very good artist.

    I agree with practice makes purrrfect and ideas begin to flow more abundantly. I have in the past borrowed books on painting but really didn't put them to use , maybe now with PPF.

    I'm sure you'll be a pro but from what I have seen looks like you already are.

    Annabelle >^.^<

  18. What on earth are you talking about?! I think this is just lovely! We are our own worst critics! Just remember, it's not always about the end result, it's about the process and if the process makes you smile then you're doin' it right!

  19. Good morning Deanna..Watercolor is indeed a challenge...but this piece of yours is really quite interesting. I have also used them and sometimes have had success other times NOT! (O:(O:



  20. Are you kidding me?! Yours blows mine way out of the water! :) You can actually SEE the watercolour technique. Mine seems to get lost on the paper somehow. Hmm. What kind of paper are you using? I must go to the library and find some books. I think you're off to a fabulous start. Seriously. :)


  21. You did great, especially for your first time. Better than I did my first time. Practice, practice, practice and you will love your paintings.

  22. this is very nice, Deanna, very soft.

  23. Very nice, peaceful feeling to this piece. Pleasant color combination and good composition of subjects. I like it =) Look forward to seeing more from you! Happy Partying, Kathryn

  24. Lovely, dream like & pretty. I would be very happy with this painting - I like it!

    Kat :-)

  25. Hi, I'm just posting my blog for paint party friday now (even though its Friday evening here now) so am just looking through all the other bloggers' works. I love this watercolour - I think you've done a great job with the reflection of the sky and I like the quirkiness of the buildings. I'll look forward to seeing more of your work next week!

  26. Hi Deanna, I love this... I can just picture myself sitting on that beach, just me and a coconut... very tranquil and sheer bliss. Don't be so hard on yourself... you've done a great job...

  27. Deanna, this painting is just perfect! It puts me in a peaceful the sky and the water and that beautiful strip of land in between. Great job!

  28. Hi there, I think this is a really great piece. Those colours are gorgeous and work really well together. I find water colour very challenging and don't often use them I really like the reflection in the water!!! I've also been looking at some of your previous work in pencil, beautful sketches!!! :0)

  29. This is wonderful for only your second attempt. Watercolor is such a hard medium to work in, you did a great job! Love that you are allowing people to walk with you while you are learning.

  30. For a first painting I think you're doing wonderfully! I'm new to painting, too, and I can definitely relate to your frustration.

    You're a very talented artist and as you said, it all takes practice!

  31. Like an island in the sky. It is great. We are always our own worst critics. Good job!

  32. Watercolor is a difficult medium and I think this is very good for a first one! It takes practice to learn to control it. I'm still working on that myself.

  33. I never would have guessed this one of your first watercolors, well done!

  34. Don't be so hard on yourself. Watercolours are scary (I'm certainly scared of them :D).

    I think you did really well with the sky and the water, and I do like the watermark way you've done the brown landscape. Composition is excellent. I think you've made a great start. Keep it up and you'll be confident in no time.

    (via Paint Party Friday)

  35. I think your painting is terrific!
    Watercolors are hard to control...I am amazed!

  36. Enjoy playing with your watercolours. :)


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