Monday, March 21, 2011

New Season - New Look

You may have noticed the totally new look to my blog.  I was so tired of all the white.  I know it looked nice and clean but it reminded me of all the snow we've had and I was ready to look at something else.  My blog header came from the image below that I created on Saturday morning using my new soft pastels.  It is the first piece of artwork that I have been really proud of and absolutely love.  So much so, that I have actually framed it!  That's the first piece of my artwork that I have framed and will be hanging in my home.  Yay!  So exciting.  :)

 "Autumn Sunset"
Soft Pastel on Strathmore Pastel Paper 80lb 118g/m 9"x12"

And here it is framed.  It's just a cheap black frame with white mat that I got in a huge set.  For now it will be staying in that frame.  I have so many of them I plan to just use those to frame my artwork and will be hanging them in my bedroom/studio, once I find the nails that is.

I couldn't get the scanned image to show the bright, vivid colors correctly.  If I lighten it too much the colors get faded and if I darken it too much the colors look dull.  The original is very vivid and the sky looks like it's on fire. So pretty!  Of course it is cloudy today so I couldn't get good light for the actual photo either.  I was going to save this for PPF but I couldn't wait that long!  I also was so bored at work last night I decided to start changing my blog and figured I might as well post about it since it's my new blog header.  I know I should be doing Spring colors but for now, this will have to do.  I'm thinking I may change it with the seasons provided I come up with images I like enough to use as my header.

Hope you all had a good weekend.  I go back to full time at work this week which has it's good and bad points.  The good is the income, the bad is actually having to work (lol) as well as switching from mornings to afternoons every two weeks.  Totally throws off my sleeping.  At least I'm still on afternoons for one more week!


  1. Beautiful work Deanna. I love pastels and you've done a wonderful job with the colors. Very nice job. The title "Autumn Sunset" is so fitting. I love it! Thanks for sharing. See you on PPF. Have a great week.

  2. Very well done Deanna. I think this new look to your blog is much more cheery. I love the colors in this piece and imagine it's stunning in natural light.

  3. Deanna, this looks amazing. it's so warm and inviting when i open up your blog! I love it. Great job. Have a good day! xo

  4. such a beautiful piece! i love how the path begs the eye to follow into the sunset.
    thanks for stopping by my blog. i have been out of town for about ten days so hope to get back at it soon.

  5. hello! love the new look to your blog - gorgeous colours.And I like the music too! Thank you so much for your kind comment - really meant a lot to me today .Sarah at secret housewife xx

  6. I love this piece-i can nearly feel the warmth of the sun just looking at it! It would also go really well in our living room as it has all those warm colours in it! Btw am v jealous you get to draw at work (saw your comment on katherine's blog!)

  7. Wow - what a great new look for your blog, beautiful.

  8. You GO girl!! SO LOVE the new look! Wow! Shazam! :D I love all of the warmth and gentleness in this piece. Keep it up. Hugs!

  9. Hi Deanna,

    Lovely piece! The colors are spectacular and the curve of the road leads you into the scene. Great use of light & dark.

    Fabulous addition to your blog as well as in your home.

  10. This is such a gorgeous piece. Love it as your new header... and rightfully, should be framed, truly a piece to be proud of.

  11. This is beautiful! No wonder you framed it. I love the warm colours and detail in the grass and plants. You Sunday Sketches post was great too.

  12. This is a stunner - am not surprised you are proud of it Deanna.

    Love the new look blog too. I keep trying to go to a clean white blog - it's supposed to be best to show off arty stuff, nah, can't do it, feels to cold. Love yours.

    Oh, btw - you might want to check out my blog, couple of posts down *wink, wink*

  13. I love this. The black frame really sets this off. Loving your blog.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, posts and artwork!