Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Through the Trees

So I've finally made a landscaping picture that I absolutely love.  Not sure if you can see it so much in the scan (well, photo that I brought into photoshop and edited) but the background is supposed to be trees off in the distance.  Don't care so much about them as I do the tree in the forefront.

I am one of those that hates drawing trees.  I think my limbs always look bad and leaves, forget about it!  I would do many more buildings and landscape sketches if it weren't for having to draw the trees and bushes.  lol.  Somehow this one worked out very well and I am thrilled with it!  Please also keep in mind that I worked on this at work in between all of the phone calls today.  We were understaffed and somewhat busy, but I am grateful that there were no major catastrophes this weekend and I only received one call.  A new girl didn't know she was on the schedule yesterday and I had to call her in.  No biggie.  :)

Baby bird seems to be doing a little better today.  I had to splint her leg again, the first one fell off so I waited until my wonderful boyfriend was in bed so he didn't freak out ( I handle ers much better than he does, remind me to tell you about the day I cut off part of my fingertip with a rotary cutter.)  I think she may have been in shock yesterday as she was very listless.  Today she is back to her feisty self and biting us when we try to hold her.  Have no fear, it's not because she is in pain, she always bites us when we try to hold her, except for yesterday.  She still can't use her foot and she may never be able to but the fact that she's eating, preening, interacting with the other birds and moving around a little bit makes me think she's going to be ok in the long run.  She's a very strong and brave little bird.

Don't forget to visit all of the wonderful artists participating in Sunday Sketches hosted by the wonderful Sophia over at Blue Chair Diary.


  1. The detail on this is amazing! It looks like a black and white photo. Really really good!

    Have a super Sunday!


  2. Your sketch is fantastic. the tree is great and the trees in the background show if off perfectly. I am so sorry about your feathered friend, that is so sad, I hate to see animals hurt.

    To answer your question about my remodel, we have a tri level that we are making into a one level. Two thirds of my house are being cut off and rebuilt. I am going to post pictures of before, during and after.

  3. You did a wonderful job of this tree. It has great depth and feels majestic!

  4. I love the tree(s) - like you i find trees a tricky subject, but you have mastered them here - and all while answering the phone, I am totally jealous! - I hope you are able to help the wee bird to fly to his forest too. Yes this is lovely.

  5. This drawing is amazing, you captured the tree spot-on! I'm glad that your little bird is doing okay too :) ~Lauren

  6. This is my new favorite, Deanna. I love those hazy trees in the distance. They make a beautiful backdrop for this lone pine.

  7. You captured it perfectly - including the illusion of more forest in the background. Really nice piece.

  8. Hi Deanna,
    I like the way you blurred the background trees and created depth for the picture. The details on the tree are fascinating, hard to tell that trees are not so easy on you!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, posts and artwork!