Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Illustration Friday and Ripple

If you haven't heard of Illustration Friday and Ripple  please take a minute to check them out.  This week on IF the topic is 'Ripple'.  Based on the topic you create a work of art in whatever your chosen medium is and submit it to their gallery.  Ripple is a blog where you can find donated artwork to help save the animals affected by the oil spill. Each sketchcard on this blog is $10.00. The $10.00 is a donation to help the animal victims of the Deep Water Horizon Gulf Oil Spill. Every penny is donated. The two Non-Profits that are benefiting are The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies and The International Bird Rescue Research Center. You can purchase a card if you donate directly to one of the non-profits and email the confirmation and your address to ripplesketches@verizon.net. The artist will mail you the signed card.

We don't have to feel helpless. We can help. Our small actions together will ripple outward. 
Here are my submissions for IF and Ripple.  They will be available on Ripple as soon as I figure out how to do that. LOL.  Actually I've emailed Kelly to let her know I want to donate them.
'Better Days'
ACEO Watercolor on Strathmore Coldpress Watercolor 300 Series 140# Paper

ACEO Watercolor on Strathmore Coldpress Watercolor 300 Series 140# Paper

'Lizzie' was my first ACEO ever, well technically this one is the second as I gave the first to my wonderful boyfriend without whom I probably would not be creating art at all.  Lizzie is the name of our newest parakeet.  She was just a baby when we got her and is the sweetest bird we have.  I know parakeets don't have much to do with the oil spill but she is a feathered friend of all of the birds being affected on a daily basis.

'Better Days' was my second ACEO attempt.  My inspiration was the beautiful water I saw in Key West and Cozumel, Mexico years ago on a cruise.  I think of those days as better days for the marine life that have to endure this tragedy.  'Better Days' is a shot from below the whale looking upward.  Hope you enjoy them as I had a lot of fun making them.

Thank you Melanie for providing the link to Illustration Friday!

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