Saturday, June 12, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp - Day 7

Marker with Colored Pencil on Sketch Paper

This prompt was a lot of fun fore me.  I knew immediately what I wanted to do when I saw it.  We have six parakeets and have had most of them since they were only 8 weeks old and couldn't fly very well.  One pet shop clipped the wings so short on one of the birds the poor thing couldn't even flutter to the floor.  He would drop like a rock, so this illustration means a lot to me.

In case you were wondering, I decided to separate my blogs.  Just in case I ever decide to start selling my artwork ( I already got a gmail and Etsy account with the same ) I thought it would be best to keep them separate and apart.  Thank you Retta for your insight on the subject, I really appreciate it.  I also thought it might be easier for those that only want to read about my weight loss journey or just my artwork escapades.
You can find my other blog here if you would like to see my other Creativity Boot Camp exercises.

If you're wondering how I got the eyeball on my banner, scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the original sketch.  Photoshop has some fantastic little tricks you can do to enhance your images.  I'm off to bed now, I'm exhausted but it was just too hot to sleep tonight.  Hopefully I'll fall asleep fast and hard.  LOL.  Can't wait to start on tomorrow's prompt: ornament!


  1. I like your sketch for 'fly'. I envy people who can paint and draw well.

  2. This is gorgeous and you certainly have talent

  3. Really great drawing, the little birds are so 'tweet'!

  4. gorgeous pic, nice art!

    D E G A I N E

  5. Oh I love this one. And the story behind it. I went very literal and did a... er... fly! LOL! Will have to upload later.

    Very pleased and smug to be the first follower of your blog. I find it helps me to keep the two seperate as I'm the same and hope to sell one day - though I have to get up the courage first. Can you imagine potential buyers coming to my page and getting an eyeful of my progress piccies? Ewww. Thanks for that link on You Tube - he's amazing, I could listen to him all day. Have bookmarked to go back when the kids aren't so noisy behind me.

  6. This is very cute!!! I love the birds too!! Thanks for your comment on my blog.... and thanks for posting me on your blog!!!
    I'll be a follower!

  7. i have to tell you something. i like to click on the thumbnails on Meagan's blog to check out the art work of others. i have no idea who the artist is before i end up on their blog. yours has been the first click for me almost every single day of this boot camp. again today, your work is simply outstanding.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog, posts and artwork!